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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

It's been a while

There's no hiding it......... I've been feeling swamped lately so there hasn't been much action on here.

About  month ago I decided to go to a mixed Martial Arts Club to take up boxing as my 'must get fit' sport of choice. I didn't realise just how hooked i would become!

I can't recommend it enough. If you're feeling brave give it a go, it's a lot more fun than you can imagine and you won't ever have to get in the ring with Rocky only your own ego.

Whether I'll ever be brave enough to unleash my inner tiger and actually get in a ring to fight has yet to be seen, for now I'm just trying to perfect my punches and look less like a flailing chicken.

Nicola Adams and her Gold Medal are going to be safe for the foreseeable future