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Sunday, 20 November 2011

A Favourite Brand

We all have out favourite brands don't we?

One of my all time favourites is 'By Malene Birger'. Without fail these clothes always make me feel elegant and sophisticated without taking away the fun.

Below are some of my favourite pieces from their new season (how could anyone resist!).

I am head over heels in love with the leather braces, the boots and of course the dresses (i do love to waft). The only problem with the dresses would be which one to choose - orange being my favourite colour the second image is of course out in front at the moment.

Sigh, i could be on the website all day



Monday, 7 November 2011

All about the new

How many of us find a style that suits us and then stick with it as a tried and tested formula?

I'm one of those people. Until i hit my thirties i didn't really do style, i picked clothes that looked good on the hanger without much thought as to how they would work with existing pieces in my wardrobe or with my body shape. In short, it was totally hit and miss.

Fortunately i had an epiphany and started choosing clothes that firstly worked on my body shape, flattered my skin tone and which complemented other pieces i already owned.

Fast forward a few years and I've settled on a couple of styles that I think work well. I still have the odd moment where people raise an eyebrow or try to hide a smirk but those moments are now fairly rare.

The problem is, all this careful selecting and analysing has meant I'm faced with new questions. Am i stuck in a rut? Am i missing pieces that would work even better?

Working in retail has shown me that sticking to what you know and like isn't always best. I always try to offer something new (without going totally overboard) when i have a customer looking for an outfit. A new colour, an accessory they haven't tried before or a different cut.

I would love it if someone did this for me. In the New Year i might just book myself in with a personal shopper to see what new perspective a stranger can offer. It also got me thinking, if I gave my friends and family total freedom to pick out a capsule wardrobe for me what would they pick? Maybe that's an exercise worth doing in itself!

What do you do to keep your style evolving or are you happy sticking to what you know?

I leave you with some style icons that in my book always got it right

                                                                                                         (courtesy of

(courtesy of the Telegraph)

(courtesy of

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

What rocks your Gothika?

Fancy dress aside i've noticed a lot of people embracing the gothic look recently. From classic to grunge there seems to be a distinct move back to the dark side.

Personally speaking I prefer the Parisian take of elegantly structured lace over body skimming corset dresses but I have been known to dabble in the 'fell off a back of a coffin' look. I wont embarrass myself by sharing the photos here though, they belong in a locked box!

Here are some of the dresses that rock my Gothika this season

Mary Portas (via House of Fraser)

French Connection

French Connection

and here are some that definitely don't

(image courtesy of Wikipedia)

(image courtesy of Hot Gothic