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Sunday, 11 March 2012

A little love for 'Made.Com'

So Spring has finally sprung out of it's slumber and I'm itching to get the flat finished.

I'm 60% there on the interior decoration since moving in last August but there are still some key pieces that i have my eye on to finish the over all aesthetic.

I've done plenty of shopping around and research to find the pieces i want and to be honest 'Made.Com' is the best site that I've come across.

Here are some of their pieces on my wish list

Take a look and tell me your favourite pieces

I've also been working on some new art projects, some for the flat and some to sell. I'm not quite sure where the motivation has come from but I'm glad it's there, after quite a long dry spell it feels good to have pen, pencil and brush in hand once more.

Stage 1

Stage 5

This requires a lot more work yet but it's moving in the right direction

Experimenting with a new idea. This one is rough round the edges as a draft but i like the concept so i will be doing more of these.

1 comment:

Kathryn Dyche said...

So in love with the new artwork . . . the muse has struck. Run, run, run with it.