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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

The Christmas Tree

Every year i have an internal battle. Real tree, fake tree, twig tree..... This year the twig tree has won out.

I can remember the day i departed from a big thick traditional fir tree, it was around this time of year and I was up on the Ridgeway walking Henry when i saw a very large branch on the side of the track. The thought of getting our age old 6ft fake tree out of the loft had left me feeling down in the mouth and less than enthused about decorating the house for Christmas. When i saw that branch it just struck me as the ideal solution. No need for the endless head scratching trying to push in colour coded branches. No cursing at the endless strings of knotted lights and, at the end of Christmas it could be left to happily rot away at the end of the garden.

So Henry and I wrestled the branch into my car (Henry trying to eat it, me trying to wedge it in without taking our eyes out) and drove it home. One can of gold spray paint and some red lights later and it looked great (well i thought so at the time and everybody else was too polite to say anything different).

This year I'm using my 'craft' tree but it brings back happy memories of that first 'alternative' Christmas tree adventure with Henry.

Merry Christmas!

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