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Tuesday, 1 November 2011

What rocks your Gothika?

Fancy dress aside i've noticed a lot of people embracing the gothic look recently. From classic to grunge there seems to be a distinct move back to the dark side.

Personally speaking I prefer the Parisian take of elegantly structured lace over body skimming corset dresses but I have been known to dabble in the 'fell off a back of a coffin' look. I wont embarrass myself by sharing the photos here though, they belong in a locked box!

Here are some of the dresses that rock my Gothika this season

Mary Portas (via House of Fraser)

French Connection

French Connection

and here are some that definitely don't

(image courtesy of Wikipedia)

(image courtesy of Hot Gothic


Kathryn Dyche said...

I can totally see you rocking the gold necked dress. :0)

Pana said...

I really like alll 3 dresses. Really cute !