Spring always makes me feel eager to usher in the new and cast aside the old, and this year is no different. It helps that there are big changes happening in my personal life to give me added impetus. So, my spring clean started this year with a big clear out - 5 bags to the local charity shop and a wheelie bin full of rubbish later and my living space is so much clearer.
Whilst clearing out the surplus and un-loved belongings i noticed that i lacked storage for the things i did want to keep. I didn't want to rush out and spend money on lots of solutions so i got creative instead and here are the results:
1) Storage for spare duvets and pillows
Genius moment - why not make oversized cushions and stuff them with the spare bedding. Not only did i get the storage i wanted but i also ended up with a really comfy floor cushion and a padded seat for my rocking chair.
These are so easy to make, decide how big you want your square then cut two and a half times the length by width. Hem the end edges then fold over (overlapping by the half length) and stitch the sides. Turn inside out and stuff. I stitched ribbon ties onto mine so i could tie them closed but you could leave it without.

2) Scarves
I love scarves and I have way too many which always end up just thrown into a basket. Not a great idea because it makes it difficult to see what i have. I also love walking sticks (i know!). So cue genius moment number two
Hang a walking stick horizontally on the wall by using hooks or equivalent and decorate with scarves accordingly. I tied ribbon around the ends of my walking stick so it can move easily without detaching from the wall hooks. Hang scarves in a row. Seriously, how simple.
I also managed to build up some seriously good karma through my donations to the local charity shop and yesterday i happened across two great finds.
I have had an obsession with the colour yellow for the last couple of months so i was really happy to find this scarf for the cost of £1.50 (i hate having my photo taken which may explain why i'm trying to hide behind it!).
I also have a bit of a thing for hats. Having seen an image of a young woman wearing a Fedora on the Sartorialist Blog (link given below) i put one of those hats on my mental wish list. Imagine my joy then at finding a 'Christy's' Fedora in mint condition in said charity shop. The price £7.00. Oh joy of joys. I had a look on the Christy's website (link given below) to see how much they normally retail at, anything upwards of £65. Such good Karma!
So what Spring Re-Styling have you been up to?
Great post, love the charity finds and the walking stick idea is pure genius!!!!
Your paintings are just beautiful, just like you, and i am loving the hat!!!!!
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